Custom Keto Diet Review

What Is Custom Keto Diet?

How would you feel if you find out that you can get your body back in shape without many efforts? In addition to this, you also not have to stop eating your favorite foods.

The Custom Keto Diet is a custom meal plan that is designed specifically for everyone who is overweight or obese. The founder of Custom Keto Diet, Rachel Roberts will help you achieve the body of your dreams by suggesting what should you eat.

Custom Keto diet is effective to quickly reach the ketosis where the body starts to lose weight without doing any exercise. The ideal diet according to keto is a low carb and high-fat diet. If you are tired of trying every other weight-loss method, take a look at how Custom Keto Diet will help you!

custom keto diet

What’s Included In The Custom Keto Diet?

The Keto Diet has been there for a while. It works on everyone who is struggling to lose weight and has a medical condition associated with it. This type of diet also helps to combat diabetes, PCOS, epilepsy, and Alzheimer’s disease.

When it comes to the keto way of losing weight, there is no standard proportion of macronutrients. You will be given a custom meal plan according to your weight loss requirements.

The Custom Keto Diet consists of a ratio of 70-80% fat, 10-20% protein, and 5-10% carbohydrates. In a nutshell, you will be advised to eat less than 50 grams of carbs each day. For example, if you are given a meal plan to consume 2000 calories a day, you will consume 165 g of fat, 75 g protein, and 40 g carbs.

You will be given a custom diet plan that has a suggested number of macronutrients just for you. By custom meal plan it doesn’t mean you’ll have to strictly stay away from your favorite food items.

This meal plan is unique because it has been suggested according to your body, food choices, and weight loss goals. So that you no longer have to become demotivated and throw your meal plan right off the window.

Why The Custom Keto Diet is Effective?

Your body is used to consume a high carb diet to do everyday tasks. But when you switch to a keto meal plan, you will be consuming the lowest amount of carbs in your diet.

When you put your body into a low carb diet, your body reaches a state of ketosis. That’s when your body starts to lose weight on its own. When you lose weight, your body also becomes less prone to certain ailments.

A fit body will have no sign of diabetes, hypertension, and high cholesterol. That’s why Custom Keto Diet works marvelously to make you, even more, healthier than ever before.

custom keto diet reviews

How To Utilize Custom Keto Diet To Achieve Optimum Weight Loss?

In order to get a body of your dreams, you have to be strict to consume the meal plan as it is. You will be given a meal plan for 8 weeks. In these 8 weeks, you have to consume the exact recipes you have been given as a custom meal plan.

If you want, you can do moderate exercise during this period. But if you can’t do any exercise, you can do a brisk walk or jogging activity. This physical activity is essential to keep you motivated to lose weight.

Your body will act differently because you are not used to having a low carb diet. You might face some side effects in the beginning. But these side effects will subsidize as your body become aware of this new diet.

What You Will Get In The Custom Keto Diet Custom Meal Plan?

  1. 8 Week Meal Plan – You will be given a custom meal plan that is designed according to the industry’s best personal trainers, chefs, and nutritionists. This plan is custom created because everyone is different. You are not being handled by any unprofessional whatsoever.
  2. Optimized Diet – The Custom Keto Diet is not just another keto meal plan. It is created individually for you. Your diet plan will be a science-based diet that has ideal calorie and macronutrient intake suggested just for you.
  3. Meal Plan According To Your Taste Buds – You don’t need to have a tasteless and boring diet to lose weight. Instead, the Custom Keto Diet has several mouth-watering recipes. This diet is created by leading chefs to keep you in shape. You will eat the same food items that you were eating before. In this way, you will lose weight without starving yourself.
  4. Customized Food Items – If you don’t feel like eating bacon, you can easily replace it with beef. That’s the level of this custom keto meal plan.
  5. Variety of Food Types – You will be suggested a variety of food items in your meal plan. This will ensure that you don’t get bored while you are in the middle of your weight loss journey.
  6. Recipe Instructions – The Custom Keto Diet consists of step-by-step and clear recipe instructions. Even if you are a novice in cooking, you can easily follow the instructions given by this meal plan. The cooking guidelines are simple thus, you’ll be able to efficiently cook your delicious and healthy meals.
  7. Grocery List – To save you from wasting your precious time in the supermarket, this meal plan also has an efficient grocery list. Simply download the grocery list and effortlessly buy your healthy stock.

8 week custom keto diet plan

The Benefits of Custom Keto Diet

  1. Fat Burning – As opposed to other diets, the Custom Keto Diet works even more quickly in burning the fat. It directly acts on the hormones. This, in turn, increases the fat burning capability of your body naturally and significantly.
  2. Easy To Follow – The Custom Keto Diet is quite easy to follow. You’d love the way you lose weight by eating your favorite meals. The instructions are easy to follow by everyone.
  3. Reduced Cravings – A diet that is difficult to follow will keep you hungry. And sooner or later you will lose the willpower to follow your diet. But this is not the case with the Custom Keto Diet. It has several tasty recipes that will keep you fuller for a longer duration. You will feel amazing and don’t indulge in a binge eating pattern.
  4. No Need To Sweat In The Gym – The Custom Keto Diet will make your body feel active. You don’t have to exercise in order to reap the benefits of this diet. You’ll lose weight whether you work out or not.
  5. Safe – This diet was founded on the 19th It was suggested to eliminate various diseases including diabetes and more. That being said, you can imagine its effectiveness and efficacy. It doesn’t harm your body in any way. Instead, it is a healthy way to lose weight. In fact, it helps to get rid of hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and other life-threatening conditions like cancer.
  6. Quick Weight Loss – When you are on a keto meal plan, you don’t have to worry about waiting for several months or years to see the results. The weight loss is quick and permanent if you follow a healthy lifestyle.

How To Get Your Custom Keto Diet Meal Plan?

If you want to lose weight like never before, simply visit the official website of Custom Keto Diet. The purchase of this meal plan is divided into 3 steps:

  1. Step 1: Step 1 is to fill the basic details about you like your food preferences, weight loss goals, email address, and your current situation.
  2. Step 2: After completing the simple survey in step 1, you have to enter the payment details. After submitting the payment details, you will get instant access to your meal plan.
  3. Step 3: The third step is to take action. Now it’s your responsibility to follow the diet strictly. You have the meal plan that is made just for you. Start making your delicious and healthy recipes from the very first day and see your fat melting.

Is There Any Side Effect of Using Custom Keto Diet?

Everyone knows how difficult it is to maintain the Keto meal plan. It has a high amount of fat and the least amount of carbs. When you are on a carb-restricted diet, your body acts differently.

If you decide to stay on the Custom Keto Diet for the long-term, your body may have a risk of osteoporosis, kidney stones, an increase in uric acid, and more. Other than that, you may also be deficient in some nutrients.

Due to the risk of nutrient deficiency, you should always consider a well-known dietician that can create a nutrient-rich meal plan. For example, Custom Keto Diet’s qualified founder Rachel Roberts.

Some of the prominent side effects of the Custom Keto Diet can be:

  • Mood swings
  • Fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Constipation
  • Headaches
  • Brain Fog
  • Nausea

What Everyone Is Saying About Custom Keto Diet?

By Emma T.

I am really happy the way my body is losing weight. This meal plan works like crazy! My appetite has decreased and I no longer feel the urge to binge sugars. I have lost 6 lbs. in 10 days. This is the fastest something has worked on my body. I am going to recommend this diet plan for everyone.

By Garry S.

My metabolism is considerably slow. And I am slightly overweight from last year. I have been looking for numerous ways to lose weight naturally. I gave a shot to some supplements but it was not working on my body. I tried working out for 3 months but I could not move past few pounds.

Then I moved on to dieting. Deep down I was worried whether it will work or not. But I gave it a try. My first preference was the Custom Keto Diet. And I am glad that I tried it first. It made me leaner in just the first month. I am going to try it for a few more months. Kudos!

By Harper J.

I was really skeptical to try a diet to lose weight. I already heard about the Custom Keto Diet but I could not give up my favorite meals. Thankfully, the Custom Keto Diet is not something that restricts me from eating my favorite foods. I can lose weight without being insane about eating certain types of food. If you are someone like me, give it a try. You won’t regret it!

By Layla D.

I am on week 4 and my body fat ratio is already reduced up to 4%. I am really happy to see my fit and healthier body. The recipes are absolutely delicious. I love how Rachel has created the meal plan. So easy yet so effective! I am going to recommend this diet to my best friend as well. Amazing!

By Sophie L.

I absolutely hate working out. Yet my fat body was becoming a problem for me. But I decided to lose weight no matter what it takes. I stumbled upon other methods to lose weight over the internet. Then I found the Custom Keto Diet! I read everything about it before purchasing my meal plan. The process was smooth and I was immediately given access to my plan after making the payment. Rachel is incredible! 

custom keto diet review

The Bottom Line

When it comes to losing weight, there is no single method that makes you fit. There are numerous diets, pills, and workouts to transform your body. But it takes your own willpower and strictness to lose weight through the Custom Keto Diet.

This meal plan is created differently because it has recipes that are according to your condition and food choices. But still, you should be willing to stay strict with your lifestyle choices.

The Custom Keto Diet comes with many benefits including a reduction in fat, cholesterol, diabetes, and blood pressure. If you want to become healthy, don’t think twice before purchasing this meal plan.

It has the assurance of renowned dieticians and chefs. However, you must not follow an unhealthy lifestyle right after losing weight. If you want to achieve a permanent reduction in fat, simply adapt to a healthy way of living.

Yes, I Want An 8-Week Rachel Roberts Custom Keto Meal Plan!

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