Max Performer Review

Was it your childhood fantasy to have a penile size which would arouse jealousy in a horse? You want to be supercharged with sexual energy and desire. Plus, you want unflagging stamina to be able to put the love of your life on cloud nine. Sexual satisfaction is critical for a happy life in your adult years. Low testosterone levels might cause a diminished libido, even erectile dysfunction. Your lifestyle could cause you to have low energy and drive.

There are times when you might find the expectations become overwhelming for you. That in itself is enough to make an individual feel unsure of himself, and his ability to make his partner happy. Far too many people link sexual satisfaction with penis size, though it might help you to keep in mind that you are mating a lady, not a mare. However, if you feel that a larger penis or more engorgement during sex will provide your partner with greater enjoyment, and satisfaction; then you should try a supplement that does just that.

If you think that you have too small a tool, and it undermines your confidence when you approach your partner, then some correction is certainly called for. Take control of your sexual performance. Avoid embarrassment at the psychological moment, especially if premature ejaculation leaves your partner disappointed. Try out Max Performer for verifiable results.

max performer

About Max Performer

Max Performer is a performance enhancement supplement brought to you by a London based company called Silver Blade Nutrition Ltd. For those who are terrified of being scammed, this is the real joe. The manufacturers promise you the ability to take back control of your sexual life. This supplement is supposed set to rights an entire slew of sexual issues from lack of confidence arising out of small penile size, erectile dysfunction, lack of stamina, premature ejaculation, delayed ejaculation (which can be quite painful for the lady), or simply getting floppy without reaching orgasm.

Enjoy greater endurance to pleasure your love completely. This is because Max Performer aids in restoring your body’s hormonal balance speeds up blood circulation, and improves testosterone levels.


Max Performer is a herbal formulation manufactured with natural ingredients to optimize your sexual health. They are as follows:

Max Performer Ingredients

Horny Goat Weed: Scientifically called epimedium, it is a Chinese herb that contains Icariin. Horny goat weed is supposed to be a PDE5 inhibitor, and is usually considered an aphrodisiac. Note that phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) is a key enzyme which aids in the regulation of smooth muscle contraction and relaxation, but reduces the flow of blood. Penile erection requires the proper supply of blood to bring about engorgement. Therefore, horny goat weed improves blood flow to stimulate nerves and heighten sexual performance. You get 1000 mg of horny goat weed in every dose of Max Performer.

Red Korean Ginseng is one of the most powerful stress busters known to humans, which automatically enhances performance. It reinforces alertness and concentration to boost sexual endurance and desire. Every dose of Max Performer contains 1000 mg of Red Korean Ginseng.

Maca: Scientifically known as Lepidium meyenii, Maca is a Peruvian plant. Its roots are traditionally used to harness photochemicals macenes and macamides to increase your sperm count and motility; enhance your strength and stamina by fighting fatigue, and restore hormone levels. It has been regarded as a powerful aphrodisiac for centuries for that reason. You get 1000 mg of maca with every dose of Max Performer to enable you to get stronger orgasms.

Cordyceps are extracted from mushrooms. This ingredient intensifies the duration of your erection by boosting blood flow and oxygen uptake, which also helps you achieve a thicker penile size during the action. It is supposed to increase your testosterone levels, and sperm count too. 1000 mg of cordyceps is delivered to you with every dose of Max Performer.

Selenium is a trace element that doubles as a potent antioxidant to protect your cells from oxidative stress. It serves to alleviate symptoms of erectile dysfunction and helps your penis to relax.

Bioperine is extracted from black and long pepper to help your body absorb nutrients better. This automatically raises your energy levels, stamina, and plain brute force.

Zinc and folates are vital for cell recovery and having a healthy body. As zinc boosts sperm and testosterone production, it makes you get a stronger orgasm and more potent ejaculation.

Other ingredients of Max Performer include niacin, iron, riboflavin, pyridoxine HCI, pantothenic acid, and cyanocobalamin which provide your body with the right means of increasing strength.

Max Performer review

How Does Max Performer Improve Performance?

You don’t have to dread encounters in the bedroom any longer. The secret lies more in the combination of the ingredients which work on the aspects of well-being which directly impact your sexual health. Reduced stress levels ensure that you can concentrate on your own performance.

Your love life is renewed as you can meet your loved one’s expectations, satisfy her, enjoy a stronger sex drive, and enjoy more intense orgasms after longer play. The ingredients create a synergy in the formulation to deliver better than expected results.

How to Use the Product

These tablets are meant to be taken with plenty of water, on an empty stomach, half an hour before breakfast. This ensures that the ingredients have dissolved, and moved to the areas of the gut from where the nutrients can be absorbed easily. Some people have reported better results when they have taken one pill before breakfast, and one before lunch. Every bottle contains a month’s supply. Don’t think that more is better as it might prove counter-productive.


Two tablets daily to be taken with water is the recommended dosage. It would be better to stay within that as most of the ingredients belong to oriental and traditional medicines. The manufacturers recommend that you take the supplement at the same time every day. Further, they warn that it might take anything from three to four months for the complete impact of the supplement to be visible. Also, don’t take the pills with any carbonated or alcoholic drink.

How Safe Is It to Use the Product?

This is 100 percent safe as all the ingredients are herbal, and work on improving your stamina and strength. Max Performer provides your body with a continuous supply of diverse nutrients which are vital for restoring your sexual health. There are no banned substances, dangerous toxins, steroids, or harmful chemicals to jeopardize your health.

Is the Product Addictive?

No. There are no opioid ingredients or alcohol base. Since it doesn’t give you a high, there are no cravings. You should be able to taper off use after you have achieved the results you wanted.

Benefits of Max Performer

The benefits are as much emotional and psychological as they are physical. The sheer joy of having a loving and fulfilling relationship is multiplied by sexual fulfillment. Your sense of self-esteem, confidence, and libido all increase to enrich your life. It counters any existing sexual health issues you might have, improves your blood circulation, and reinforces your testosterone levels.

Purchase and Price

Purchasing this product is very simple. Just go to the official website of the company to place your order. There is always the risk of being fobbed off with spurious material when you order the supplement from other outlets. Max Performer is rather pricey. However, there are discounts for bulk buys as the manufacturers want you to benefit from the economies of scale. Periodically, there are promo codes you can use to get ten percent discounts off the list price.

One packet of 60 pills costs $ 69. A combination package of three boxes costs $138, while six boxes of Max Performer costs $ 207. You may pay with your credit card, debit card, or PayPal through a secure payment gateway.

max performer official website

Money-Back Guarantee and Refund Policy

The company is so certain of the quality of their product that there is a 100-days window in which you can send back the unused boxes if you are not satisfied, and receive a full refund.

Side Effects of the Product

Typically, there should not be any kind of side effects when you take Max Performer. However, if you have any other existing morbidities, and are on any kind of medication; you would be better advised to seek your doctor’s advice before you order the supplement.


Q: Is the supplement FDA approved?

A: No, supplements do not require FDA clearance.

Q: How soon will I know that Max Performer is working for me?

A: You will need a bit of patience. Since this is based on stimulating your natural body system, it will take at least two months before you and your partner begin to notice the changes. Best results are visible only after three months and more.

Q: Is this a permanent solution to my erectile dysfunction?

A: No treatment is permanent. For one, the benefits will gradually diminish when you stop taking the supplement, especially if you are above the age of 50 years. Other health issues could also bring back the sexual challenges you face now.

Q: From where can I buy my monthly supply?

A: Just order online from the official website. It will be delivered at the address of your choice in discreet packaging.

Q: What are the shipping and handling costs?

A: Shipping is free in the US and the UK.


  • The ingredients are natural.
  • No synthetic components.
  • Manufactured in the US.
  • Take back control of your sex life.
  • Your sexual prowess improves radically.
  • Enjoy enhanced libido.
  • You feel more energetic.
  • Your stamina increases dramatically.
  • Get a rock hard erection.
  • Easy payment options.
  • Free shipping worldwide.
  • Outstanding customer service.
  • Discreet packaging.


  • Some of the ingredients are not scientifically tested for proof.
  • Available only online.
  • This does not offer any instant solutions.
  • Max Performer is not a permanent penis enlarger.

Customer Testimonials

Mishka of Cincinnati has this to say, “My marriage was in jeopardy as my libido had diminished alarmingly. I just couldn’t keep it up and was done before my wife had even begun. The future looked bleak when I read a review of Max Performer. I thought I might as well give it a shot. Now, after six months, my troubles have vanished as though they never existed. My wife feels we are on a second honeymoon as I am able to perform at will.”

Julia in Vancouver is delighted that her long time boyfriend began taking Max Performer when the pressures of work were causing his sexual drive to flag. “Now both of us have mind-blowing sex, and can’t seem to be able to stay off each other,” she gushes.

Timothy Barnes of Las Vegas says, “My recent road accident left me bedridden for months. When I began getting back into my normal routine, the toughest seemed to be resuming normal sex life. I have no need to compete with Casanova, or be the office stud. I only wanted my girlfriend to be happy and faithful. When one of my older colleagues suggested that I try Max Performer to restore my sexual health; I was frankly skeptical. I even commented that I might as well wave a wand and say ‘Abracadabra!’ Two months on, I was glad that I gave it a try.”

Boris Song says that his penis size made him very self-conscious. “I would be very awkward in bed. Then my fiancée suggested that I try Max Performer to gain some self-confidence. Both of us are glad that I took her at her word. We have had some memorable moments which would not have been possible otherwise.”


You have only one life, and it is your choice to make the most of it. If even one component of normal social and familial life is missing; you should try to rectify it. If sexual health issues have been plaguing you, there is no need for you to be philosophical about it. Get proactive, and take advantage of this amazing dietary supplement to energize yourself, improve blood circulation, elevate testosterone levels, enjoy full erections, an enlarged penal size, and powerful orgasms. Your partner should enjoy the full benefit of your born again self, while you improve your self-image and self-confidence.

max performer pills

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