Why is Coffee Good for You? Read Here

A cup of freshly brewed coffee has become the source of starting the day for the majority of people. It contains many components that have various health benefits, however, caffeine is the only one that mostly makes people crave for it. If you are a coffee lover and wondering whether it is healthy or not to drink coffee daily? Then there is some good news for you as many studies suggest that intake of coffee in moderation has many health benefits and helps you to start your day energetically.


Below given are various reasons why coffee is good for you.

Health Benefits of Drinking Coffee

  • It helps you lose weight

Coffee is linked to weight loss and increases your metabolism due to the presence of antioxidants. Regular consumption of black coffee can help you lose weight as it contains zero calories which makes it a great substitute for other sugary drinks and also helps you to curb your caffeine craving. It is considered as a great drink to sip on before workout as it increases the efficiency of your work out and helps you to perform for a longer period. It is also said to reduce water retention in the body thus helping you to lose water weight as well. Caffeine can also help to curb your appetite for a longer time as a result, it is easier to avoid unnecessary snacking in between the meals.

  • It Reduces the Risk of Stroke

Many people use to believe that coffee can worsen your health condition however, several experiments proved that coffee doesn’t cause stroke and neither it increases the risk of stroke if you are healthy. It is actually said to decrease stroke risk according to some research. Drinking around 2-4 cups of coffee in a day is seen to reduce stroke risk. Coffee can prevent hypertension and decreases the risk of blood clots. It also helps to reduce cholesterol levels that can be beneficial as high blood cholesterol is associated with an increased risk of stroke. The antioxidants present in coffee not only reduce the risk of stroke but also improves the condition of a person who has experienced it.

  • It Lowers the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

According to some studies, people who drink coffee are less exposed to the risk of getting type 2 diabetes as compared to those who didn’t drink coffee. It is also seen that increasing your coffee intake can also reduce the risk. Both caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee can help with the problem. The antioxidant properties prevent inflammation and inflammatory diseases like type 2 diabetes. Coffee also contains minerals like magnesium and chromium that can help as well. Caffeine also reduces insulin sensitivity and weakens glucose tolerance that is also helpful to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.

  • It Reduces the Risk of Cancer

Coffee is said to improve your health and helps with many diseases including certain cancers. Studies suggest that it can help with specific types of cancers such as head, neck, breast, colorectal, and liver. Compounds of coffee such as caffeine, flavonoids, polyphenols, and other compounds help to improve cellular damage, regulates genes, contain anti-inflammatory properties, and many more. It also lowers insulin resistance that can lead to cancer risk. It also reduces the risk of skin cancer as caffeine may prevent the formation of basal cell carcinoma. It is also necessary to avoid fried food especially French fries, potato chips and crackers to maintain your overall health.

  • It Improves your Focus

Anything that you eat or drink affects your body and mind significantly. Intake of coffee stimulates the brain cells in a positive manner and boosts your mental focus and concentration. Caffeine is said to be a stimulant and improves alertness. It stimulates the body’s nervous system and promotes the production of dopamine by the brain. Dopamine is known to control the ability to maintain alertness and focus. Hence, it is ideal to drink a cup of coffee before a night shift, and late-night driving as it also helps you to stay awake for a longer time and helps you to perform better.

  • It Reduces Risk of Diseases Like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s

Regular intake of coffee can reduce the risk of neurodegenerative diseases. Studies suggest that coffee can reduce the risk of developing Parkinson’s by 30%. The ideal dose of coffee ranges from 3-4 cups. Coffee is also said to improve the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. It is also studied that due to some hormonal and genetic factors men reduced risk up to 60%. Caffeine is said to block inflammation in the brain and affects brain inflammation positively which can delay the problem of Alzheimer’s. It affects the key protein i.e. the tau protein in a positive manner.

Other Benefits of Coffee

  • It improves hair health and texture

Everyone has bad hair days when your hair looks dull and weak. Sometimes hairs are more prone to breakage and lose their volume as well. These days require a coffee boost with either a coffee rinse or a coffee hair mask. All you need to do is brew some strong coffee and rinse your hair with the coffee after it has cooled down. It is better to use it as a last rinse after washing your hair as the rinse can be absorbed easily by the scalp and promotes healthier and shinier hair. For mask add some honey and olive oil in a mixture of coffee and apply it for at least 20 minutes to promote hair growth and shinier hair.

  • It Helps in Achieving Glowing and Healthy Skin

Coffee is not only great for your hair but energizes your skin as well. By mixing a half cup of coffee grounds with 5 tablespoons of coconut or olive oil along with 2 tablespoons of sugar you can make your very own coffee scrub. Homemade scrub is free from preservatives, artificial fragrance, and other chemicals that can harm the skin. This scrub helps you to exfoliate and prevents discoloration of the skin. It is also said to have anti-aging effects, helps with dark circles, reduces puffiness and tightens the skin while providing you with a fresh glow and healthy skin. This ingredient can be added to your face mask as well. However, for people who are very busy and are unable to spend some time in self-care, drinking coffee is also enough due to the presence of antioxidants.

  • It Can Protect your Teeth from Cavities

Strong coffee can protect your teeth from cavities, plaque, and carries as well. Coffee made particularly from roasted beans is said to have anti-microbial properties that act against certain microorganisms that cause cavities and caries.

High caffeine content can also kill the bacteria in the mouth that causes dental plaque. However, it is not suitable for kids who still have milk teeth as the effect can be opposite on them. Coffee can remove the thin coat on milk teeth making them more prone to bacteria.

  • It Can Help With Stress and Depression

Caffeine can help your body to cope with stress in a healthy manner. When you drink coffee it blocks the receptors than cause stress response including depression as well. Studies found that it reduces the risk of depression and helps to improve mood. It helps to deal with emotional and physical stress by acting as a mild antidepressant and promotes the production of feel-good neurotransmitters in the brain. Caffeine can also work in the long-term to cure depression as it is an active ingredient in many psychoactive medicines and reduced the risk of depression by 50% according to a study. It can also help with anxiety issues due to its ability to make you more alert and focused thereby, reducing the feeling of anxiety.

  • It Reduces Risk of Death

Many health benefits are linked with drinking coffee and it protects from various diseases like cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and cancer. It is considered a part of a healthy routine and improves overall health as well. Although it may not be ideal for some people but the majority of people prefer coffee in their daily routine. According to a study drinking 3-4 cups of coffee daily significantly reduced the risk of death. Both decaffeinated and caffeinated coffee can influence health positively. It also reduces the risk of premature deaths by 25% as compared to those who don’t drink coffee. However, it may not work for everyone but research suggests that drinking coffee can be considered a part of a healthy lifestyle.

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